Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Sore and Gray

Back after an exhausting weekend in California for my grandfather's funeral. Feeling pretty exhausted, ended up going to sleep way too early.

The funeral was stressful, but one thing I really did not like was how I looked in the pictures. Time to get moving more and get some of this excess weight off.

I woke early this morning and finished up the tribute to my grandfather (on my blog), then realized that I should start training for the Shamrock.  Despite making a NYE resolution to walk more, January brought with it more stress and little time to walk.  Not to mention the Shamrock is in ~ 1 month and I do not want to be as sore at the end as I was last year. So my goal today - start the couch potato to 5k program. I am finding it hard to motivate myself to get outside as the sky is so gray. But making myself do that now...

Upon my return going to conquer the second part of that gray equation. My hair! Nothing like the LA sunshine to make me realize how gray my hair has gotten.

On that note...I am off!!!

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